Calvary Lutheran Church is one of the larger churches in the Black Hills area. They reach a large number of people throughout Rapid City and as a non-profit do a lot of work within the community. They therefore needed a website that operated in a way so as to get a lot of information to a lot of people in an easy to navigate manner. The PageFramer Content Management System helped answer that need with their system that most nonprofits benefit greatly from.

Calvary Lutheran Church needed the ability to have a pleasing theme, and easy to navigate menu that got all of their information out quickly, and a website that was easy for staff to edit when they needed to. With PageFramer, Calvary Lutheran Church is able to customize their website how they see fit and in the way that would be reach their congregation. They also needed a way for their congregation to give online, which was easy to do with PageFramer's shopping cart feature.

The PageFramer CMS answered this challenge, like it does for many nonprofits. By bringing solutions that act as powerful and easy to manage features, such as shopping cart integration, easy theming, and social platform streaming, PageFramer bridges the gap between idea and implementation. Robert Sharp & Associates, a PageFramer implementation partner and advertising and marketing agency in Rapid City, South Dakota built this website and helped craft the digital marketing strategy behind it in order to assist Calvary Lutheran Church in reaching their goals.

Ask Calvary Lutheran Church how their website is working for them. Get a website you can be proud of by contacting Robert Sharp & Associates today.
Website Powered By PageFramer, Development By Robert Sharp & Associates