Music Ministry
Welcome to Calvary's music ministry. My name is Albin Spreizer and I am the music director for Calvary.
I would like to invite you to join one of our musical groups and share in celebrating our faith through music.
We have programs to meet you at any skill level.
We encourage singing and playing in groups, but also as individuals.
We strive for all musical expressions of our faith. Please visit us and get to know us. Thanks and God bless.
3yr old-5th Grade Music
3yr old-5th Grade Music
Singing in Wednesday School is praise, prayer and proclamation. In giving us the ability to sing and make music, God has give us a gift...a way of praising him, praying to him and proclaiming his word to others, so that we might love and serve God in the fullness of our humanity with heart, soul, mind and strength.
Directed by Johnny Sundby
This group plays hand chimes and no experience is required. We rehearse Monday from 7-8 pm.
Directed by Albin Spreizer
Men's Chorus
Men's Chorus
This group is for any male interested in singing.
No experience is required.
We rehearse Tuesday evenings from 7-8 pm.
We sing once a month at worship.
Directed by Albin Spreizer
Mixed Chorus
Mixed Chorus
This group is for anyone interested in singing.
No experience is required.
We rehearse Sunday morning from 9:15-10:00 am.
We sing once a month at worship.
Directed by Albin Spreizer
Contemporary Worship Band
The Contemporary Worship Band provides music for Wednesday Night Worship service at 6:30 pm throughout the school year. We run through music Monday evenings and are always looking to plug more people into our group.
For more information contact Michelle Skoog for more information or to get involved.