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If you would like to be put on a list have artwork (note cards/fine Art prints) of Pastor Paul’s Calvary drawing did during the 7/28/2024 service.
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Link to the whole worship service…Watch the July 28th Worship Service
PAstor Paul Oman
Yesterday, Pastor Paul Oman was at Calvary and painted this beautiful painting during the worship service. And I wanted to share the photo progression as well as his powerful comments at the end of his drawing…
“An anniversary celebration of a congregation is a very significant milestone that revels to us the work of God among us. And the work of God particularly among you here at Calvary.
All these years the Lord has chosen to take that word that was first preached in Galilee and brought it all the way over here to form this congregation. And brings you together so that you can hear the promise again. So, taking all the scriptures* that were to be used in the service today, I attempted to depict pieces of those in here and to set your church next to Christ who is in the center of it all, the resurrected Jesus Christ. And just off to the right of Jesus you will see the open tomb, the empty tomb, and so our lives, your life, takes the shape of Jesus life because if we look apostle Paul in the New Testament. He says, it is no longer I that lives but Christ who lives in me. So, Paul himself understood Jesus meeting him as he himself, Paul, no longer being alive. But Christ living in him, and this is the life that you live.
Even though it feels as though sometimes things don’t go the way you want them to or there are challenges in life. It is Christ who is alive in you and the very thing that happened to Jesus Christ is the very thing that is happening and will happen to you. So we go from life, death, and resurrection.
In the foreground of the painting, I attempted to depict people who might appear as though they are from back in biblical times, the past. But as we move toward the middle ground you will see that there is your silhouette of your church building and people moving to, and into and around the church building, hearing the word in the present. And then from the church building, we pass from this life to the next life in eternity and the resurrected Jesus is calling people home as they move around and up toward the resurrected Jesus. The past, the present, and the future.
And so, this is the very thing that will happen to you, as well and to me, as Christ lives within us. And so, I hope that as you see this painting for some time to come, you will remember that is the promise of Jesus Christ who comes to you, who says on the last day, I will call you by name. I will declare to you that I forgive you of all your sin. And now as I call your name, I am calling you forth from the grave. And I will raise you up. And give you eternal life. In my presence. That’s the gospel and that’s Jesus’s promise to you. Thanks be to God. Amen”
scripture readings*
*Scripture Readings from 7/28
First Bible Reading: Psalm 118: 1, 24, 29
Reader: Gwen Stanton
Overall Theme: Overall, these verses collectively highlight the themes of thanksgiving, praise, the recognition of God’s enduring love, and the joy that comes from acknowledging God’s acts in one’s life.
Second Bible Reading: Isaiah 25: 1, 4-6, 9
Reader: Sharon Hasvold
Overall Theme: Overall, these verses from Isaia 25 highlight themes of praise and worship, God’s faithfulness and protection, His provision and blessing and the joy of salvation.
Third Bible Reading: Colossians 1:15-20
Reader: David Moore
Overall theme: In summary, Colossians 1:15-20 presents a comprehensive portrait of Christ’s supremacy in both creation and redemption. It emphasizes His diving nature, His authority over all creation, His sustaining power, His leadership in the church, and His role in reconciling all things to God.
Fouth Bible Reading: Mattthew 27: 45-54
Reader: Tim Kretchmar
Overall Theme: The overall theme of Matthew 27:45-54 is the profound and cosmic significance of Jesus’ sacrificial death. It emphasizes the fulfillment of prophecy, the atonement for sin, the breaking down of barriers between God and humanity, and the recognition of Jesus as the Son of God. The accompanying supernatural events underscore the transformative impact of His death and the entire created order.
Fifth Bible Reading: Acts 2:1-6
Reader: Jan Fett
Overall Theme: The overall theme of Acts: 2:1-6 is the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, marking the fulfillment of Jesus’ promise to send the Helper and empowering the believers for their mission. It signifies the birth of the Christian church and the beginning of the global proclamation of the gospel, breaking down language and cultural barriers to reach all nations with the message of salvation.
Sixth Bible Reading: Hebrews 12: 1-2
Reader: Dillon Beach
Overall Theme: The overall theme of Hebrews 12:1-2 is the call to preserver in the Christian life by drawing inspiration from the faithful examples of others and, most importantly by fixing our eyes on Jesus. Jesus is both he origin and perfecter of faith, and His endurance of the cross, motivated by future joy, serves as the supreme model for believers to follow. The passage emphasizes the importance of shedding hinderances of sin, running the race of faith with perseverance and looking to Jesus for strength and motivation.
Seventh Bible Reading: 1 Peter 2:4-10
Reader: Ruth Stabile
Overall Theme: The overall theme of 1 Peter 2:4-10 is the identity and mission of believers a as God’s chosen people. They are described as living stones being built into a spiritual house, a holy priest hood, and a chosen nation. This passage emphasizes their privileged position and the responsibilities that come with it, particularly to declare God’s praises and live out their calling. The believers identify is rooted in their relationship with Chris, the cornerstone, and their transformation through God’s mercy.
Eighth Bible Reading: Matthew 28:19-20
Reader: Larry Madden
Overall Theme: The overall theme of Matthew 28:19-20 is the Great Commission, which underscores the call to evangelize and make disciples of all nations. This involves baptizing believers and teaching them to follow Jesus’ teachings. The passage also highlights Jesus’ authority and the promise of His enduring presence, providing a foundation of confidence and support for the mission of the church.
thank you to readers and special music
Thank you to all the volunteers who helped with scripture readings and the Special Music…
Peace like a River – Men’s Chorus
Let Me Walk You Home – Karen Kierstead
Just a Closer Walk with Thee – Charlie Abell
Joys are Flowing Like a River – Men’s Chorus
We Shall Be Changed – Todd Schultz
Marci Bartel
Katie B and Al Spreizer – Flute/Piano
Violin: John & Alex Davies
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