Please look over our 25-year timeline. We took our information from a lot of different sources and would love for you to add or correct anything that might be missing or incorrect. We will add this to the directory that will be printed for the 75th Anniversary. Please contact Kellie @ with changes.

• Senior Pastor, Dwight Stensgaard,1996-2014
• Intern/Student Pastor: Joann Conroy
• Staff: Mary Minton-parish nurse
• Remodeled Sr. High Youth Room `
• Added 207 members
• Paid off $116,000 on mortgage

• Intern/Student Pastor Andrew Wilson
• Church Council President - Mike Reynolds (Until 2002)
• Repairs were made to the roofing system and gutters
• Paid off debt and began facility master plan
• Summer youth trips started

• Associate Pastor Rev. Tanya Rist
• Purchased land on Sheridan Lake Rd

• Started the church design planning
• Associate Pastors: Tonya Rist

• 4th - 7th Grade – Rhonda Jenner (Until 2006)
• Senior High School – Tom Martin (Until present)
• Judy Frost – Program Support (Until 2020)
• Al Spreizer – Custodian (Until 2024)
• Church Council President – Tim Becker (Until 2006)
• Approve move to Sheridan Lake Road
• Tim Becker – Council President (Until 2006)

• Rev. Benjamin Sandin - Associate Pastor
• Susan Salter – Family Ministries Coordinator (Until 2007)
• James Jennings – Custodian (Until 2021)

• Associate Pastors: Ben Sandin
• Pat Junker – Interim Parish Nurse
• Site work began on Sheridan Lake Rd property

• Rev Deb Hanna Associate Pastor
• Leah Braun 4th & 5th Grade Education
• Deb Martin – Wednesday Evening Worship Coordinator (Until 2022)
• Karen Schleusener – Wednesday Evening Meal Coordinator (Until 2015)
• Construction – Sheridan Lake Road property moved into Phase 1.
• Sale of Cottonwood property
• Borrowed $3,300,000 from Mission Investment Fund

• Associate Pastors: Deb Hanna
• Rand Schleusener – Council President (Until 2010)
• Lynette Banks started as Family Ministries Coordinator (Until 2010)
• October – Phase 1 Complete, total Contract price: $4,701,255
• Loan Balance: $2,903,713
• Wednesday Worship/Education/Meals began

• February Approved motion for construction of sanctuary
• Loan Balance: $3,226,700

• Associate Pastors: Kirstin Kellaher (Until 2013)
• Stephanie Lehmann – 6th to 9th Grade Coordinator (until 2016)
• Completed Sanctuary June 21
• Held first service in the sanctuary June 21
• Added 177 new members
• Rapid City Children’s Concert
• Loan Balance: $2,607,174

• Rand Schleusener – Council President
• Kellie Meissner started as Family Ministries Coordinator in September
• 117 new members added
• Hosted Syond Assembly in June
• “Click” curriculum was adopted for middle school youth
• Debt Retirement Campaign
• Loan Balance: $1,487,164

• Al Spreizer – Worship & Music Coordinator
• Doug Lehmann Crossroads band coordinator
• Shad Storm – Outreach coordinator
• Perry Krush – Council President (until 2012)
• Adopted 5-year plan 1. Balance budget 2. Populate board system 3. Evaluate current staff and programs 4. Develop 5-year financial plan 5. Refine plans
• Loan Balance: $881,685

• Loan Balance: $660,095

• Vonna Cheever – Council President (until 2017)
• Install pipe organ
• Loan Balance: $459,598

• Rev David Piper (hired June) Senior Pastor (Until 2023)
• Dennis Anderson – listening session
• Loan Balance: $284,761

• Rev Becky Piper (hired February) Co-Pastor (Until 2023)
• Rev David Piper Co-Pastor (Until 2023)
• Tom Martin Commissioned as a Deacon (Until present)
• Kathy Miller – Business Manager (until 2023)
• Karla Mitzel – Hospitality cCoordinator (until 2024)
• Mission Statement Equipped to go… love, serve and be the people of God!
• Loan Balance: $167,956

• Loan Balance: $27,160

• Hannah Fleming – Confirmation Coordinator (until 2022)
• Cassie Larson – Volunteer Coordinator (Until 2020)
• Mortgage Paid - April
• 500th Reformation – October
• Started Worship Slides?

• Cheryl Chapman – Council President (Until 2021)
• Visioning with Abiding Hope with Doug Hill
• Bone Hampton (Christian Comedian), February
• Mark Schultz Concert, December
• Middle School Youth Trip to Denver, July
• ELCA Youth Gathering Houston, TX, June/July
• Kin Ministries Started, August
• Blue Grass in Saturday Worship Started?
• Picture the Possibilities – Stewardship campaign

• Scouts BSA Troop 172 Chartered
• Gustavus Symphony & Orchestra – February
• Middle School Youth Trip to Omaha, June
• High School Youth Trip to Nashville, TN
• Confirmed 8th & 9th Graders in the same year
• Tangled Blue here in July
• Reach for the Possibilities – Stewardship campaign
• Christmas Organ Recital featuring the RC Organ Guild Members

• March – COVID Pandemic Started
• Christmas Eve 6:00 pm Service was outside (due to covid)
• Easter Services were held online only
• Required registration for worship
• Expand the Possibilities – Stewardship campaign
• February Judy Frost resigned after 19 years
• CW TV Sunday 10:00 am Services started on September 6

• Music on the Hill nights in the summer
• Wednesday Nights started back up again with registration required.
• Trevor Minton Cello Recital
• James Jennings retired after 17-years at Calvary
• Connect/Care Reach Up, Reach In, Reach Out – Stewardship campaign
• Deb Martin Stepped down as Wednesday Evening Worship Coordinator after 15 years

• Pastor David oversaw confirmation.
• Jeff Schleusener– Council President (Until 2022)
• Hannah Flemming Ordination – July 30
• Middle School Youth Trip to Kenosha, Wisconsin, June
• Bibles were purchased to put in the Pews
• Renovate and Reconnect Campaign Started for the Fellowship Hall Remodel
• Last High School Youth Group rummage sale hosted
• Fellowship Hall Remodel – Stewardship campaign
• EmpowerED school started at Calvary and was here from 2022-2024

• Interim Pastor – Randy Fett started (August)
• Jessica Gromer – Council President (Until Present)
• Hayden Nesland – Pre-5th Grade Coordinator started in July
• Brady Wichmann – Wednesday Worship Band Leader (January 2023-April 2024)
• Fancy Coffee Machine installed in October
• Pastor Randy oversaw Confirmation
• Together We Can – Stewardship campaign
• Generosity Forest Installed
• Sonia Sykora resigned in April after 30 years
• Gayle Simons retired in April after 30 years
• First VBS (not run by Outlaw) since COVID – Operation Restoration
• Pastor Becky resigned July 28
• Adopt a Spot (cleanup outside the church) was started
• Pastor David resigned September 10th
• Confirmed 29 students October 29th
• Pastor Larry Dahlstorm was the recipient of the Habitat for Humanity Lifetime Achievement Award, October
• Get Out of the Boat – Stewardship campaign
• Kodee Bybee started February as Executive Director (Until 2023)
• Doug Gab - Maintenance (Until Present) & Michelle Gab - Part-time Custodian (Until 2024)

• Confirmed 31 students on April 21
• Lee Ann Henry church secretary for 45 years.
• VBS in June – Happy Campers
• Erika Uecker - Accounting Manager started Jan 4, and left in May
• Deb Martin resigned as Wednesday Children’s Music Leader in April
• Repaired the flat roofs of the church in June - $101,000, paid for out of our saving account in the capital fund
• 4 new staff started in July: Tammy Singsaas - Acounting Manager, Michelle Skoog - Wednesday Worship Team Directory, Audra Nesland - Confirmation Coordinator, Carrington Pulaski - Hospitality Coordinator 
• Guest Pastors preached at Calvary as a part of the 75th Anniversary
Pastor Larry Dahlstrom – Feb 16/17
Pastor Ben Sandin – June 8/9
Pastor Renee Splichal Larson - June 22/23
Pastor Siri Beckmen-Sorensen - July 13/14
Pastor Paul Oman (Drawn to the Word) Painter - July 28
Pastor Kirstin Kellaher - August 10/11
Pastor Karla Wildberger - August 31/September 1
Pastor Bob Chell - September 28/29
• 75th Anniversary Celebration October 20th

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